
Friday, July 1, 2011

93.1 RX The Morning Rush Top Ten - Things You Learned from FB & Twitter

The Top Ten Things 
You Learned From Facebook and Twitter

  1. Mr. Perk – It is easier to unfollow someone than to unfriend them.
  2. No name – That my “friends” don’t really like me pala. I see pic of them going out many times, but I was never invited to any of their gimiks.
  3. No name – I learn who my real friends are. Real friends contact me on my bday. The ones who rely on FB reminders aren’t my real friends.
  4. Marioh Caryo – I learned that we all need attention.
  5. Gorgeous Bitch – I learned to censor my status updates if clients or bosses are added as friends.
  6. Lockon Stratos – Hindi porke nakasulat sa profile, totoo.
  7. Doc Mia – FB can singlehandedly start or end a romance.
  8. Chifunk – When my fiancee and I split up, I learned that many of her friends and relatives hated me since they immediately deleted me on their accounts and “liked” her change in status to “single”. Too bad for them, nagkabalikan kami.
  9. Toiletots – I learned this from FB: “A bunch of people get SARS, and everyone wants to wear a mask. A million people have AIDS, yet few want to wear condoms.”
  10. ColonelPogi – That some cute little kids back who were your kababata in the province are now sluts who post nasty photos of themselves online.
  11. Marcus – That the smartest kid in class is now a priest, and the most quiet kid now works for NASA.
  12. No name – That whatever you post on FB can be used against you in a court of law.
  13. Lidagat – If you unfriend an in-law on FB, prepare for World War 3.
  14. Eroflux – Adding your mom on FB is a disaster waiting to happen.
  15. Uber Vamp – Bitchy tweets get more reactions than inspirational ones.
  16. Lady Vamp Kaye – I learned from Farmville na ang magtanim pala ay di biro…
  17. Acer – That a really masculine classmate is now a tranny.
  18. Mr. Miser – That most of my “friends” on FB are not really my friends.
  19. Dru – Good-looking people don’t care about their profile pics. Yung mga pangit lang ang talagang nage-effort.
  20. Mike – I learned from FB that my wife is an office flirt.
  21. Starbuko – If you’re dating 2 girls, delete your FB account. Because they will tag you in their photos.
  22. Dennis Pinch – I learned that FB is the best and fastest way to invite people to an event.
  23. Mister Miser – That FB can be a great tool for showing off your accomplishments to all your now-misearble ex-classmates who bullied you.
  24. Mr. Hardrock Abs – Nagiging sweet ang jowa ko pag nagpaparinig ako sa FB status ko.
  25. Dru – If you want to know if a guy is gay or not, read his profile.
  26. Allaninski – Ashton Kutcher and Ellen DeGeneres have more twitter followers than the entire population of Ireland, Norway and Panama.
  27. No name – That your ex still isn’t over you if she won’t add you as a friend.
  28. Sumi – That girls who bullied you in HS forget what they did to you and actually have the nerve to still try to add you as a friend.
  29. Oscar Dela Hopia – Stay away from Twitter and FB right before watching finales of American Idol or Amazing Race if you don’t want to see spoilers.
  30. PurpleRose – Even if your tweet is private, if one of your followers RT it, it becomes public.
  31. Ang Munggo – Not very many people are as interested in your thoughts or your life as you hoped.

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