
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dundee Crocodile Meat

Have you tasted a Crocodile Meat?
Well, I already did...

Last weekend hubby brought one at home, He bought it from a store in Wilcon Alabang. I was really curious and excited to taste it. Mommy just marinated the Croc Meat with some spices and fried it like a classic Beef Tapa.
Dundee Croc Meat
Can be bought at Nueve Cafe (inside Wilcon Branches)
Nueve Cafe @ Wilcon Branches

Croc meat is good for those with asthma and hypertension. Moreover, croc meat boasts of a low calorie count. For every 100 grams, there are only 104 calories, more or less only one calorie for every gram!
Nutrient Content: Approximately 4 ounces (114 grams) of raw, edible portions:
  • Total Calories: 110
  • Calories from Fat: 20
  • Total Fat: 2 g
  • Saturated Fat: .5 g
  • Cholesterol: 55 mg
  • Sodium: 55 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 0 g
  • Protein: 24 g
Health Benefits:
  • Croc meat is considered to be healthier than domestic chicken, especially when it comes to cholesterol and fat content.
  • Croc meat is high in protein.
  • It is believed that Crocodile cartilage has anti-carcinogenic and anti-arthritic properties.
Dundee Croc Meat in 250 grams for Php 250.00
"Expensive than beef meat and the Leanest white meat"
Croc Meat is really tender, more like a chicken meat but tastier

Because of its neutral taste, the croc meat easily absorbs its surrounding flavors. Looks are also deceiving, because in most dishes (especially the soup), the croc meat bears a striking resemblance to pork. But croc meat has its own peculiar charm – it’s not really about its taste, its texture, or even its appearance. Rather, it’s the totality of the meat. And since Filipinos are always on the look-out for something new and different, the allure of eating something as exotic as croc meat just might be the next big thing to hit the food world.

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