
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

RX 93.1 Morning Rush with Chico, Del, Gino and Mike Bustos

OK...I'm proud to say that I'm an RX Morning Rusher. I always start the day by listening to Chics and Del's Morning Rush. I love it more now, since Gino joined the RX Duo...the radio show becomes more hilarious!. They never fail to make us laugh. It's been a habit for me and hubby to listen to them everyday on our way to work. I'm also a fan of Chico Garcia's Blog  ( He inspired me to create my own blog. Yesterday (10th day of January 2012) they had Mikey Bustos as guest and it just made us CRAZY!
The Morning Rush Trio (Gino . Del. Chico) + Mike Bustos
Here's a video from I really can't stop laughing while watching it. Having them both on the show was totally crazy!
Goodbye Jackie Tyanak...Welcome Call Center Guy!


  1. kulit ng video, tawa lang sila ng tawa. =)

  2. grabe naman. ang kukulit! :) thanks for sharing this! I like mikey ..

  3. They're funny! They're as what you've hilarious when they work hand-in-hand together.

  4. They seem so fun! haha. It's seems great to work with them :D

  5. They are funny. I follow mike bustos' videos on youtube. he is really a funnyguy! :)

  6. Aha! Mikey Bustos. That youtube guy who made wacky and funny videos. He's talented and I love his voice.

  7. They're hilarious! Mickey is here in the Philippines looking for a gf apply na kayo! now na! Ha ha ha!

  8. haha funny and nakakatuwa sila ! i always like chico, del and gino and now, i like mikey too ! :)

  9. I like them all a fun loving funny bunch of guys

  10. nakakatuwa naman ang kulitan nila. a good show to starta the day .pampaganda ng mood

  11. this is funny. well, definitely more fun in the philippines.


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