
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pocket Garden & Stairs Perspective + Home Sweet Home as of July 2011

Bit by bit our future abode is transforming into a real dream house. We already received the perspective of the Pocket Garden and Stairs from Architect. So far we're really happy because everything is going as planned (God is really good!..). We're looking forward to celebrate our pretty bub's 1st birthday in  our new home (cross finger...). 

So far the roofing is done as well as the wall plastering. As of now they are installing the metal plates for the ceiling. We decided to replace woods with metal plates for the ceilings because it is more durable plus it will prevent termites in the future. Next step will be the Tiles Installation and painting.

Happy and Proud to share the status of our future Abode as of July 2011

Our House Perspective by Architect Buado
Our House as of Today
"can't wait for the glass tower's final outcome...!"
Pocket Garden and Stairs Perspective
Few more interior plans and we will finally see the 3d Autocad outcome as a whole.
Getting excited to shop for our furniture's, but also getting headache for the unending expenses...

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