
Friday, December 30, 2011

Reyes Clan Reunion

Every time the Reyes (Aussie) Clan visits Pinas, daddy always makes sure to have a reunion party. Since we're having the house blessing at Christmas, to lessen the expenses, we decided to have a quadrupole celebration (Birth of Christ+ My Brother's Birthday + House Blessing + Reyes Clan Reunion. I'm happy because my second family, The Reyes Clan, are all so sweet and kind, i don't feel like "others" whenever i'm with them. Our new house was really filled with laughter that day. We had fun games and numerous gift giving.

The Big Reyes Clan
Reyes Reunion at our house
Reyes Clan
Reyes Clan Wacky Pix
Me, participating in one of the games..
The Paparazzi: Joshua, Me, Tanegs, Errol and Chai
Accepting gifts from Tita Lea and Tito Effie

Thank for the gifts Tito Effie and Family.
For sure 2012 Reunion will be one of the happiest and most memorable one, because it's Tito Effie's 50th Birthday plus Kuya Ers (Hubby's Eldest Brother in Australia) and Family will be able to join us... finally!

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